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How to raise a safe attachment in a child

Open, self -confident people more often achieve success and know how to arrange others. They are positive, trust people and do not graze the difficulties. At the heart of this attitude to life is a safe attachment to parents. Psychologist Ellis Boyes talks about how to educate her.

One of the important tasks of parents is to raise a child with a safe attachment style. If you can do this, he will confidently know the world, knowing that he has someone to contact for help.

Safe attachment style helps to easily make acquaintances and create strong connections. Harshes of this style are not afraid to seek support to attachment objects – parents, teachers and partners. These people are open to the new, because they are sure that relatives certainly accept them.

Here are some tips on how to educate the child with a safe attachment style.

1. Teach him to recognize and satisfy your needs. Help understand when he is really tired or hungry.

2. Convince the child that he will always be able to get your attention when scared or wants to share thoughts, emotions or experiences. Emotional support needs a child not only in difficult times, a response to positive events and thoughts is also very important.

3. Use visual contact as a remedy for child support.

The child’s need for parental attention changes depending on age and physical condition

4. Do not tear off your child too sharply. Observe how much time it takes to stay with you, and how much time he can withstand without you. For example, read the book for 10 minutes, then give it toys and get a dinner. After a while, when he requires your attention, take him in your arms, talk to him, play and go again. The child’s need for parental attention changes depending on age and physical condition.

5. If you raised a voice to him or did not immediately pay attention to him, ask him for forgiveness. The ability to apologize is an integral part of trusting relationships. Each parent sometimes makes mistakes. It is necessary to realize this, correct errors and restore trust.

6. Do not try to slowly slip out the door when the child turned away. Be predictable. To reduce the anxiety of the child, introduce rituals in use so that the child knows what to expect. For example, you can come up with rituals for farewell, greeting and traveling

to your grandmother.

Do not try to convince yourself that if the child does not scream, when you leave, then he does not worry. Each child has his own temperament and his own reaction period to events. Try to teach the baby to new people, places and events gradually.

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